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Television References
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Keenan & Kel (1996) - Keenan dreams that he's an action movie star and throws sausage-nunchuks at the villain, knocking him down. He bends over the man and says, "May the pork be with you."
Kids Next Door (2000 US Anim) - [1] ??? one kid turned the power off to their secret clubhouse so the kids were using flashlights. Two boys started using their flashlight beams like lightsabers and making "vwing" sounds. A girl told them "playin' aroun' you must stop" and then the evil grandmother invaded.  (thanks to CornOnTheCobKenobi) [2] One of the girls has Princess Leia buns. [3] Operation S.N.O.W.I.N.G. (#4.13) 7/27/05 The entire episode is a parody of TESB. Lizzie says, "Use the Soup!" (Use the Force!), the use of Bus Walkers (AT-ATs), the drivers of the Bus Walkers (Storm and Snow Troopers), the girls wrapping the Bus Walkers up like Luke using harpoons and tow cables to fell the AT-ATs, Nigel using an explosive to feel the Bus Walker (Luke and explosive to destroy an AT-AT), and the Snowball guns (laser turrets), Numbah 1 uses an X-Wing as transportation, Numbah 2 and sled riders (Snowspeeders), Jimmy's clothes and his transport are both allusions to Anakin turning to Vader.  Numbah 1 and Jimmy have a fight which is all Luke and Vader.  The opening scene of ESB is mimicked by the Kids Next Door, they play the Rebels and the President's people try to capture them. 
King of Queens (US Com) - Deacon (Williams) wants to find costumes for his kids.  He mentions that there aren't any black superheroes.  Then he comes across a Darth Vader costume...and thinks...hmmm 'he's black, he's cool'  The kid ends up being a PowerPuff Girl.
King of the Hill (US 1997) - Mutual of OmAbWaWa (#9.8) 3/6/05 BOBBY: The Clones are coming, master Joseph. We must reach Jedi council. Oh, no, the Landing Bay door is closing! Oh, uh, use the force to roll under the door.
Knight Rider (US) - Michael (Hasselhoff), looking into Kitt says, 'This looks like Darth Vader's bathroom'
L.A. Law (US 1986) - Show title: Raiders of the Lost Bark (#1.6) 11/7/86
Last Comic Standing, The (2004) - 8/31/04 Jay Mohr is introducing stand-up comedians, "Looking like the love-child of Steven Wright and     Chewbacca...JayLudman!"
Larry & Steve (CAN/US 1996) - What a Cartoon short Larry buys a lamp, and puts in a light bulb so powerful that it is able to cut through steel.   LARRY: Luke...this your landlord.  You never returned my weed whacker.
Law & Order: Criminal Intent (2001 US) - Vacancy (#5.17) The serial killer suspect, , Tim (Harrington), claimed his childhood was rough because his mom kept moving then around to avoid a stalker. And she dragged him out of the first Star Wars movie and he never got over that! (Thanks to Bonnie Burton for this reference!)
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit (1999 US) - When you look closely at Captain Cragern's (Florek) desk you can see an X-Wing Pez dispenser.
Life On Mars (2006 UK) - [1] Series 1 Episode 8 (#1.8) 2/27/06 Chris (Lancaster): They gotta give it up, what else they gonna do?  We're the force.   Sam (Simm): And may the Force be with you. [2] Series 2 Episode 3 (#2.3) 2/13/07 Hunt: how do you think I spend my time here, Tyler?  Sam: ...building a Death Star...   Hunt: eh, what?
Life With Bonnie (2003 US) - Space Heaters (#2.14) 1/30/04 I was not paying attention at all to the program but I heard the line, "The Fork will be with you shortly" 
Li'l Bush: Resident of the United States (US 2007) - Nuked/Camp In the episode "Nuked", Lil' Cheney's father wears a Darth Vader helmet along with a black cape like Darth Vader himself.  (Thanks to Nailwraps for this reference!)
Little Britain (2003 UK) - Series 2 Episode 2 (#2.2) A "little person" college student wearing a TIE fighter tee-shirt.  Wanting to talk to his professor, to get him to sign his grant...but gets insulted by the professor's nasty secretary.
Series 2 Episode 6 (#2.6) 11/23/04 This show offers a skit that takes place between The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones where Dennis Waterman gets a part in Star Wars. (Thanks to the Gorn for this reference!)
The Little Mermaid (1992 US) - [1] A Marriage of Inconvenience (#1.8) 10/24/92 A creature that lives at the bottom of the sea looks suspiciously like the Sarlacc at the Dune Sea on Tatooine in Return of the Jedi. [2] Land of the Dinosaurs (#3.4) 10/8/94 King Triton (Mars) looks as if he uses the Force to get an item, he concentrates and the item floats up to him. (this episode stars Star Wars Actors: Mary Kay Bergman (Arista), Cree Summer (Pearl) Kath Soucie (Adella, Attina), Rob Paulsen (Prince Eric))
Lizzie McGuire (2001 US) - [1]Election (#1.9) 4/20/01 Class election, winner is a 'nerd' and makes an acceptance speech, where at the end he yells, "Jar-Jar Binks ruuules!" and all of his fellow 'nerds' give him a standing ovation. [2] Xtreme Xmas (#2.20) 12/6/02 Tudgeman, who is a MAJOR star wars geek is building a Star Wars float for the Christmas parade, "So, what's the theme of your float? " Death star Christmas." (Imitates Yoda): a very shi nose Rudolph had... Yes. (Laughs) weird kid." [3] The three friends were looking for a spot to write their names on the wall, and they find a blank spot, but the star wars geek comes up and asks them a series of questions like: Were you born on Alderaan? and stuff and then tells them to find a different spot.  (thanks to Darthstothe for #3) [4] Election (#1.9) 4/20/01 Lizzie was campaigning as Student Government President. It was suggested by her "campaign manager" that she hang out with different student groups like the Drama Club, French Club, etc. She went and joined a Star Trek club meeting... wearing a wig of Princess Leia's famous bagel hairstyle. Naturally, the Trekkers looked at her weird. So she took off the wig - then they all gave her the Vulcan hand sign, and told her to Live Long and Prosper. [5]Gordo, Lizzie's friend, says in class "I can do a mean Wookiee!" and proceeds to roar like a Wookiee....    (Thanks to Jedi_Ginny for #4 & #5) [6] Bunkies  (#2.25) 2/21/03 LARRY: "you guys know Jar Jar Binks middle name?  Were you born on the planet Alderaan?  Are you Jedi Knights?  [7] Kate: Why should we put you stupid day of the dead dolls in our Halloween party Tudgeman: :: in Yoda voice:: treat them well you must wise they are yes it's Yoda Tudgeman: ooh I got one :: in Darth Vader voice:: Luke I am your father it's Darth Vader I could scare people with that.  Tudgeman: here's my favorite :: roars like a Wookiee:: ow that one hurt its okay I'm solid I'm good (Thanks to ultimatejedi90 for #7) [8] My Fair Larry (#2.30) 5/16/03  Just play it cool, like you're Luke Skywalker sneaking into Jabba's palace. Return of the Jedi. Totally old school. I dig that, man.  [9] Gordo and the Dwarves (#1.27) 11/16/01 I'm studying wildlife for school.  Well, you're not studying rats, young man.  Okay.  Well, I'm gonna go ride my bike up to the hills to check out some rattlesnake nests.  See you at dinner.  Hey, come here, Indiana Jones.  You can study nature right here at home.  But there isn't any here.  Dad killed all the fire ants with spray.  [10] Xtreme Xmas (#2.20) 12/6/02 Hey guys, can you help me out? I need something for my float. You wouldn't happen to have an exhaust assembly system for a rebel force's X-Wing fighter, would you?   This could still be the best Christmas ever. Uh... Whoa! Hey, guys. You've seen the Smoke machine I got for my float? This is going to make all the X-wings crashing in from the death star look really authentic. Right, 'cause nothing says "Merry Christmas"
Lloyd in Space (2001 US Anim) - Double Date (#1.2) 2/10/01 Lloyd (Mead), an alien, is being awarded in a ceremony, in the fashion of the end of A New Hope. Right before getting a medal the wall blows up and out come Stormtrooper looking guys.  Followed by a Vader look-a-like. They argue a bit while stating some classic Star Wars lines... "the only thing you rule is the toilet"   They then fight with lightsabers and then Lloyd loses his. While on the ground, Vader says to Lloyd, "Lloyd, I am your...(ring) your...(ring) what the heck is that"  Lloyd then wakes up from a dream.  (thanks to The_Chosen_Two for this reference) [2] Pet Wars (#2.3) 10/20/01(title)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (1993 US) - Contact (#3.3) 10/1/95 Bob Fences (Labyorteaux) to his assistant using action figures: In a few minutes the Empire WILL Strike Back
Lone Gunmen (US) - Lying Game (#1.11) 5/4/01JIMMY: You're the king.   MR. MEMORY: Yeah, and, oh yeah...who would win in a fair fight: Han Solo or Indiana Jones?   JIMMY: You never got that one.
Long Way Round (2004 UK) - [1] (#1.4) In Mongolia:  EWAN:  I had my first Star Wars dream last night, but I was naked, as Obi-Wan" [2] (#1.2) 10/24/04 Charlie doesn't want to do his video diary entry... EWAN: you must do what you feel is right of course..  then, "it doesn't work right without the cloak"
Lost (2004 US) -  [1] Confidence Man (#1.8) 11/10/04 Dr. Jack Sheppard (Fox) helps Shannon (Grace) past an asthma attack.  Hugo "Hurley" Reyes (Garcia), who is nearby, says, "Whoa! Dude, that was like a Jedi moment" [2] Sawyer (Holloway) is fashioned after Han Solo and Wolverine according to Josh Holloway.  [3] Exodus Part 1 (#1.23) 5/18/05 (Recognize the date? ESB premiered on 5/18/80) Michael (Perrineau Jr.) to Jin (Dae Kim) (when they are fixing the raft) "No, no, no! This one goes here, that one goes there". Note: in ESB when Han and Chewie have the same conversation [4] Exodus Part 2 (#1.24) 5/25/05 It's closer, I'm telling you.  Look at it.  Look, I know, okay?  I got one flare.  One flare.  What?  Okay.  I know.  You don't see anything.  Okay.  What the hell are you expecting to see?  In case you haven't noticed, it's dark.  What is it?  Is it a ship?  We don't know, little man.  We don't know.  Starboard, port?  U...port. Port.  [speaks Korean] okay, what, what the hell am I supposed to do about that?  hey, Han, you and Chewie want to slow down a second and talk to me here?  We have to fire the flare. (Thanks to Don for the alert!) [5] Orientation (#2.3) 10/5/05 Sawyer frefs to Jin as "Chewie" [6] Abandoned (#2.7) 11/9/05 Sawyer again makes a reference when he says, "Yeah, yeah, I know, Chewie" (Thanks to Betts for the heads up!) [7] Fire & Water (#2.12) 1/25/06 Sawyer calls Hurley "Jabba" [8] Dave (#2.18) 4/5/06 Dave to Hurley: "You think they blew up the Death Star?" [9] Not In Porland (#3.7) 2/7/07 Sawyer to Aldo: Don't get mad at me...just because you were dumb enough to fall for the ol' Wookiee prisoner gag"
Lost Podcast  (2006 - Online) - Season 3 Podcast #1 During the fan question segment Damon is so distracted by the Bike Scout Trooper passing behind the fan asking a question that he doesn't even bother to answer the question.  (Thanks to Bonnie Burton for this reference!)
Lost At Home (1996 US) - Pilot (#1.1) 4/1/03 The dad was cooking breakfast when his son enters the kitchen and says "Dad?" To which he replied "Yes, it is me Luke. Your father." The kid looked at him weird and said "My name's not Luke..." (thanks to Dex1138 for this reference!)
MacGyver (1985 US) - Pilot (#1.1) 9/29/85  MacGyver and a Scientist are trapped in a underground laboratory. They get chased around by robots that are very similar to R2 units, then they jump in a garbage chute, and instead of the walls closing in, the floor separates. (Thanks to OBIX1 for another great reference!)
Mad About You (US 1992) - [1] Chicken Man (#5.10)  1/7/97 Paul (Reiser) would like to get a narrator for his documentary, Buchman.  Ira says that he ought to get James Earl Jones.  Paul thinks it's a good idea and agrees with Ira and goes on to say how impressed he was with Jones' voice as Vader.  Ira looks surprised, "James Earl Jones was Darth Vader?"  Ira does a comparison, "Luke, I am your father.  THIS is CNN.  Oh, yeah, it is!"  ( James Earl Jones guest stars) [2]  Paul (Reiser) sees a man in a Star Wars t-shirt and asks him if he saw the special editions (from 1997).  He engages the man in chat, saying that the inserted Jabba/Solo scene  was, "...boring and self-indulgent"  the man in the t-shirt looks at Paul funny and remarks, "jeez, it's just a movie" and walks off.  [3] Reiser also wears two bagels in a Princess Leia hairdo.
MadTV (1995 US) - [1] 'Dateline' 'interview' with George Lucas [2] Had a skit showing the "Star Wars Special ultimate director's cut Edition" with newly added scenes.  The scenes featured were: -Han Solo escaping the storm trooper scene (He was running toward his ship with a gun in his hands).  -Han Solo fleeing Jabba the Hutt's forces. (He was running toward his ship with a gun in his hands).  -Han Solo running because he heard a noise. He was running toward his ship with a gun in his hands. His dialogue was, "CHEWIE, I HEARD A NOISE, A BIG NOISE".  -And the Han Solo running down the hallway scene. (He was running toward his ship with a gun in his hands). [3] two spoofs: one which imagined Randy Newman composing feel-good music for the film, [4] while another featuring George Lucas as an obnoxious, overweight fan boy who seeks inspiration by dressing in a Ewok costume and who hopes to introduce Jar Jar's aunt "Jar-Jar-Mina" in his next release [5] 4/2/05 Just Say Yes (skit) What about condoms? Please. Birth control is a woman's responsibility. Besides, putting a Condom on is like wearing a Rain coat in the shower. What's the point? Ha Ha Ha Ha! Wow! I'm so glad my parents set me straight. Now, If you don't mind, bj and I need to get busy. If by getting busy you mean my underage daughter is gonna shatter her hymen like the death star in Star Wars, I'm all for it. Star Wars Contestants on Lillian Verner (sketch) Star Wars!  OK, contestants!  We're gonna play a sound, and you tell us what Lillian Verner product makes that noise. [Pffft]  Yes, Annetta!  ... I'm my dad!  I'm loveable when I'm sober, but when I'm drunk, I chase my family with a fraternity paddle!  Somebody's acting out today!  ...Star Wars!  all right, here's the sound.  Tell us what the Lillian Verner product is [Belch] Rudolph!  [loudly muffled] uh, it's the Lillian Verner gas--that is wrong!
[6] #1011 1/22/05 Nicole Richie guest stars.  sketch lines: I'm Dr. Kylie. You must be Eloise. Yeah, but everyone calls me Ella. [Gasps] oh, my God! If you married Darth Vader, you'd be Ella Vader.  [7] (#3.16) 2/7/98 Mark Hamill guests as himself in a three-part sketch called Swan Homecoming Part 3 Ms. Swan's (Borstein) father, Mr. Swan (Hamill), tries to convince his daughter to join their crime family so he can profit from the pairing (his crime and her beauty shop).  Ms. Swan takes a lightsaber and pokes Mr. Swan and he hits it away which makes her lose her balance and forces her off the balcony.  The scene sort of mirrors that of the one in ESB, Mr. Swan says "Join me..."  "After all...I AM your faather!", etc. before his daughter falls from the balcony completely.
Magic School Bus (US) - The Magic Bus Gets Lost in Space (#1.1) 9/10/94 While on their journey in space the kids see a TIE fighter. (thanks to Skywalker's clone #1 for this reference!)
Magikano (Jap 2006) - Yuri Korusu (Noriko Namiki) has a dream sequence where she is dressed as Princess Leia
Magnum, P.I.  (US) - Legend of the Lost Art (#8.10) 2/10/88 Very Raiders of the Lost Ark-like quality with Magnum in Indy clothes and hat to retrieve an ancient scroll for Higgins. **From TV.com: In 1980, Steven Spielberg had offered Selleck the lead role of Indiana Jones in 'ROTLA', but Selleck had to turn it down due to filming and contractual clashes with the first season of Magnum, P.I., and the role went to Harrison Ford instead. (Somewhat ironically, production at the start of Magnum was delayed by a writers strike – it was originally intended to begin in May 1980 – so Selleck would have been free to play the role of Indy anyway!). Although not confirmed, it's rumored that the Indy-style costume that Selleck wears in this episode is the exact one he was to have worn if he had played Indiana Jones.
Malcolm in the Middle (US) - [1] Hal Wilkerson (Cranston), Malcolm's dad,  turns on a 'massaging' van seat. The sound effect was that of a lightsaber. [2] An officer at the boarding school refers to Garth Brooks as, "Garth...er...Vader" [3] Stereo Store (#4.13) 3/16/03 Theme from Raiders of the Lost Ark used in the show which was a bit of a Raiders parody.
Man and Boy (2002 US TV Movie) -HARRY SILVER: (Washing the boy's hair, the boy is claiming that it hurts) Do you think Luke Skywalker cries when he washes his hair?   PAT SILVER: Yes!
Man Show (US) - [1] 1999  (Cutting in Line for "Star Wars" - short film) Adam and Jimmy are going to see The Phantom Menace and cut in line, then thrown out.  Jimmy qualifies not seeing it by saying, "I wouldn't have waited that long to see the movie if Princess Leia was my mother" [2] NASCAR 7/15/01Jimmy says that his father is like Yoda.
Married...With Children (US) - [1] Bud (Faustino) tries to teach Kelly (Applegate) archery and at one point tells her , 'concentrate, use the Force' [2] Married with...Aliens (#5.7) 11/4/90 This episode ends with the following message "scrolling" on the screen: "Long ago, in the Galaxy Euryops, a great, menacing comet was born. Colossal in size, deadly in trajectory, it hurtled unstoppable through the universe, on a collision course with many inhabited planets. Among the doomed was a small green world called Earth. But on planet Philydion they still sing songs of the man who made it possible for the comet to be destroyed. The man who saved Earth and a hundred worlds, by providing fuel for the ships which diverted the comet. And that man is.... AL BUNDY." [3] Al refers to his mother-in-law as Jabba the Hutt and insists that his father-in-law take her back to the Star Wars bar. [4] Al Loses His Cherry (#1.10) 6/7/87Al [to himself] What are my chances Peg's in a coma?  [shakes his head]  No. [to Sherry] Uh, listen: I know that I'm in a bachelor pad and that I've got the forearms of Jabba.  But, I gotta tell you...I'm married with children.
Martin (US 1992) - Billy Dee Williams guest-stars as himself in Break Up Part 3 (#1.20) 2/18/93, and of course Lando Calrissian is mentioned.
Maximum Exposure (US 2000) - Host, Cam Brainard, mentions that someone was, "to the right of Darth Vader"
Max Steel (US Anim) - Max (Campbell/Kaminskey) and his partner Kat (West) are fighting big robots. Cat tells Max to go on ahead, adding, 'I'll handle Threepio and his pals'
Megas XLR (2004) - Terminate Her (#2.8) Title is a reference to Governor Tarkin's remark to Vader about Princess Leia, "Terminate her immediately!"
Mel & Jay <Partners: Mel & Jay (1996 Philippines) - Ogie Alcasid's 15 year celebration July 27, 2003 A gift of T-shirts is given with the superimposed faces of the hosts, Ogie and Michelle,  on Hayden and Natalie's bodies (as Anakin and Padmé, respectively) (Thanks to the_jedi_rainjin for this reference!)
Men Behaving Badly (UK 1992) Gary and Tony (#2.1) 9/8/92 Season two starts in with Gary trying to find a new flatmate, he interviews many but can't find the right one.  Then Tony arrives.  Gary is picking up a little in his former flatmate's room and he finds a light sword.  Gary makes lightsaber noises, swings the saber around and says, "Obi-Wan, at last we meet!"  Tony arrives at the flat and Gary tells him a little about him and leaves Tony to his new room.  Tony starts pulling personal things out of his duffle bag.  A clock.  A light sword.  Tony makes lightsaber noises, swings the saber around and says, "May the Force be with you!" (in an American accent no less)
Gary Strang - using his saber Tony Smart - Using his saber.
 Men Behaving Badly (US 1996) - Sarah (Bateman) gets called Yoda for being a relationship guru.
Men In White (1998) - Makes fun of most sci-fi, including Star Wars.
Misadventures of Maverick & Ariel (2003) - Ariel went shopping with his Mom (I think) wearing the typical casual outfit - blue jeans, red checkered polo shirt and...a Don Post Hoth Snowtrooper helmet!!!  (Thanks to Hat_tr1ck for this reference!)
Monster Island (2004) - 
Moonlighting(1985) - [1] Sam & Dave (#3.12) 2/10/87 Maddie (Shepard) dates astronaut Sam Crawford (Mark Harmon) and on their date David (Willis), who is intoxicated, interrupts the 'date' calling Sam, 'Luke Skywalker' [2] Funeral for a Door Nail (#2.24) 4/29/86 David and Allen Magarlese (van Dusen) fight with broomsticks (lightsabers) as Star Wars music plays in the background.
Mork & Mindy (US ) - There is an upside-down Star Wars poster in Mork's attic room.
Most Extreme (Animal Planet) (US ) - Super Sharks That's how the great whites can still lock on to their target, even with their eyes rolled back in their head. Just like Luke skywalker, they close their eyes and feel the force.
Motormagasinet (2004 Germany) - Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark theme music used in Tannhäuser segment.
Mountain, The (2004 US) - 10/24/04 Shelly Carver (Thompson) and her friends, Sam (Badgley) and Michael (Dewey), are having a snowball fight.  Michael says, "I used to bulls eye Womprats in my T-16 back home"  (Thanks to EV-99 for this reference!)
MST3k (US) - [1] Ep 301Cave Dwe llers Tom Servo (Murphy) imitates James Earl Jones by saying, 'This is CNN...Luke'  [2] Ep 303 Pod People 6/22/91 "hmmm, there's a lot of carbon scoring on my droid".   [3] Ep 303 Pod People 6/22/91A cave, resembling the one on Dagobah, Servo says, "Luke, use the Force, Luke" [4] Ep 322 Master Ninja "nun chucks, Luke, use the nun chucks...trust your feelings"  [5] Ep 418 Attack of the Eye Creatures  "There is a great disturbance in the Force"  [6] Ep 506 Eegah! "The Old Indiana Jones Chronicles"  [7] Ep 513 The Brain That Wouldn't Die "Luke, join me or you'll star in Corvette Summer"  [8] Ep 516 Alien From L. A. Lightsaber sound effects.  [9] Ep 806 The Undead "Help me, Obi-Wan...oh, different movie, sorry." [10] Ep 516 Alien From L. A. "Short Round, get me my stuff" [11] Ep 516 Alien From L. A. "The Hot Indiana Jones Chronicles"    [12] Ep 604  Zombie Nightmare (host segment) "I used to like you when you were a Caped Crusader, even better than DARTH VADER." [13] Ep  610 The Violent Years "The Young Milly Helper Chronicles" (combo of Young Indiana Jones Chronicles and Dick Van Dyke Show) [14] Ep 804 Deadly Mantis When the ape planet, in the discussed film, blows up, Crow (Corbett) says, "I feel...a great disturbance. As though a million monkeys cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced"  [15] Ep 809 I Was a Teenage Werewolf "1943. An Ewok makes it behind enemy lines"  & "Jabba the Husband" [16] Ep 604 Samson vs. The Vampire Women "Come to the Darkside, or I'll take your lunch money"  [17] Ep 809 I Was a Teenage Werewolf "Indiana Jones and his sidekick Merle" 
Muppet Show, the (US) - 'Pigs in Space' - Mark Hamill, Peter Mayhew, Kenny Baker and Anthony Daniels guest as their characters.
Muppet Babies (US Anim) - Gonzo's Video Show (#1.10) 11/17/84 The babies borrow Nanny's video camera to make a parody about Star Wars.  An appearance by R2D2. Miss Piggy (O'Brien) was going out into the forest and had just eaten a muffin and threw the wrapper under R2D2's lid. (thanks to The General for info!)Also, Kermit was Luke Skyhopper, Rowlf was Obi-Wan, Animal was Animal Vader.  Rowlf tells Skyhopper to concentrate on using the Force to blow up the Death Star...Skyhopper tries so hard he looks like HE'S going to blow up!
Murder in Suburbia (UK 2004) - The Wedding (#2.9) 6/11/05 One of the female detectives uses Star Wars action figures on her desk to layout the placement of possible murder suspects at a wedding reception. (Thanks to Bonnie Burton for this reference!)
MXC (US/Jap 2003) - Real Mafia vs. Video Games (#55) During game: Dope-On-A-Rope: Vic: Here's Carl Sega, creator of the new triple-X-box game Porn Star Wars  Kenny: Yeah, Choda trains Luke Streetwalker to kill Jabba the Slut     Vic: Right you are, and it looks like Carl's going to have vivid nightmares about that one.  And that's our MXC Impact Replay.     Kenny: Yeah, right here.  Right here, Vic, he goes into a Princess Lay'em, intoa full frontal quadruple Spewbacca.  Into the Choda water. (Thanks to John at Obroa-Skai for this reference!)
My Name is Earl (US 2005) - [1] Quit Smoking (#1.2) 9/27/05 Earl's friend Randy (Suplee) went to a garage sale and asked a guy with a post-tracheotomy voice-box to say 'Luke, I am your father' [2] Something to Live For (#1.15) 2/2/06 While Philo (Goldberg) is describing the girl he has a crush on...  Catalina: Excuse me, I'm hot.  Philo:  Oh, You're okay.  But compared to my girl, you look like one of those things from Lord of the Rings that came out of the ground and attacked the castle.  Catalina (Velazquez):  This uniform is not flattering.  You should see me in jeans and a bra.  Randy: Ewoks.  Those are called Ewoks.  (Thanks to John at Obroa-Skai for these references!)
My So Called Life (US ) - Self Esteem (#1.12) 11/17/94 A character, geometry teacher, named Ms. Renée Lerner (Quigly) dresses as Obi-Wan Kenobi for Halloween.
Mystery!  A Thief of Time (US 2004) - Ranger Mildred Luna (Grant) is talking to a group of children about ruins (they are in New Mexico, US), she asks the children, "Have you ever heard of Raiders of the Lost Ark?"
Mythbusters (US 2003) - The term Jedi Masters was used.  After gutting an accordion of it's "sound", only air comes out.  One of the mythbuster guys says, "I am your father!"
My Wife and Kids (US) - [1] Michael Kyle (Wayans) goes over the house rules with his children, in his wife, Janet's, absence. Part of what he says is this, 'I'm like Darth Vader and this is my Empire' [2] Franklin the piano playing kid next door. Tries to teach Katie, the youngest of the kids, to ride a bike.  He tells her "Don't try. Do or do not there is no try." He then tells Michael, "That's from Yoda."  Michael replies "Yeah you kind of look like him too." [3] Snapping and Sniffing (#1.7) 4/18/01 Janet (Campbell-Martin) dubs Michael "Obi-Wan Kebaldi" after a speech about protecting and standing up for his family.
Nanny, The (1993 US) - From Flushing With Love (#5.10) 12/17/97 Fran (Drescher) and Niles (Davis) both want to ask Mr. Sheffield (Shaughnessy) for the same weekend off.  After some debate on who's weekend plans are more important, Niles concedes.  Fran thanks him and goes upstairs.  After she's out of sight, however, Niles runs to Sheffield's office so he can be first to ask his boss for the time off, only to find that Fran is impossible already  in Sheffield's office.  She tells a stunned Niles, "You have much to learn , young Jedi."  (Thanks to KJ from StarWarsSelect.com for this reference!)
Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995) - The Human Creation (#1.7) When Misato opens the Jet-Alone cockpit while its nuclear reactor is red-lining.  Captain Misato Katsuragi: Talk about hot.  Iv'e bot a bad feeling about this.  (The line is spoken in the English dub, English subtitles and closed captioning have the literal translation "This looks bad" (Thanks to John at Obroa-Skai for this reference!)
Nestor Burma (1991 FR) - 'En garde Burma' - Nestor Burma (Marchand) says that fencing makes him think of D'Artagnan and Star Wars.
News Radio (1995 US) - [1] Presence Lisa (Tierney) brings a Boba Fett action figure with a hidden camera to cheat at a poker game. [2] The 'What if the radio station was in space" episode. [3] Dave (Foley) gets a sword from Matthew (Dick)...the line...'If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you could ever imagine...' [4] (addendum to #1) in credits for the 'Boba Fett' episode: 'Boba Fett provided by J. T. Hutt' [5] Flowers for Matthew Matthew drinks Joe's smart drink and becomes Matthew, he talks to Dave and uses Star Wars as a Metaphor for the whole Nixon administration, once you realize Lord Vader represents MacNamara it all falls into place, he also calls Yoda Nixon.  (thanks to Mateo for #5)
Northern Exposure (1990 US) - Chris Stevens (Corbett) says, 'There's a dark side to each and every human soul. We wish we were Obi-Wan Kenobi, and for the most part we are, but there's a little Darth Vader in all of us. This ain't no 'either/or' proposition. We're talking about dialectics, the good and the bad merging into us. You can run but you can't hide. My experience? Face the darkness. Stare it down. Own it. As brother Nietzsche said, 'being human is a complicated gig.' So, give that 'ol dark night of the soul a hug. Howl the eternal, 'Yes!''
Nova: Battle for the X Planes (US 2004) - A wife of one of the pilots mentions that her son, Jared - about 3 or so, finds that dad's flying is "better than Star Wars...and that's saying a lot" (Thanks to TEA & D for this reference!)
NUMB3RS (US 2005) - [1] Noisy Edge 5/6/05 The call signs of the F-16s looking for a mysterious aircraft were Rogue One and Rogue Two. [2] Toxin (#2.22) 11/25/05 Sniper specialist Agent Edgerton (Diamond Phillips) is described by Agent Granger (Bruno) as "the bastard son of Clint Eastwood and Yoda". [3] Toxin (#2.22) 11/25/05 When Professor Fleinhardt (MacNicol) is discussing the Toxic Manifesto with Agent Reeves (Farr), Agent Reeves notes that the use of the word "manifesto" implies "delusions of grandeur".  (Thanks to John at Obroa-Skai for these references!)
Oblongs, The (US 2001) - My Name is Robbie (#2.4) 10/6/02 When Rob (Farrell) tries out his new robotic suit Biff says, "Wow! He's more machine than man." ..this is an homage to Obi-Wan's line (about Darth Vader) "He's more machine now than man." from Return of the Jedi. (Thanks to Nailwraps for this reference!)
O. C., The (2003 US) - [1] Summer (Clarke) and Seth (Brody) are dancing and Zach says, "I get it.  you're one of those couples.  Joannie and Chachi, Luke and Leia. Seth reminds Zach, "Luke and Leia were brother and sister" and Zach replies, "Yeah, well, May the Force be With You" [2] Family Ties 1/6/05 Summer and Zach are going to a party.  Summer says, "Sorry, I'm going alone"  Zach says, "You're going solo?"  Summer, "yep...Han Solo. But if I change my mind I'll have Cohen get drunk and let you know." [3] The Second Chance 2/3/05 (#2.11) Caleb (Dale) has issues with his father which spawns several references to Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker (Vader cutting off Luke's hand) [4] Ryan: Look, I'm not the biggest fan of your dad, no offense - but I mean Luke Skywalker was happy to have a dad, even if it was Darth Vader.  Ryan: All right, look.  Luke Skywalker was happy to find his dad, right? Even if he turned out to be Darth Vader.  Lindsay: And they fought each other with lightsabers until one of them died.  Kirsten: Well, didn't you use that Luke Skywalker/Darth Vader analogy?  Ryan: She poked a serious hole in that analogy. [5] Sandy: I'm backing your plan.  Seth: is this like a Jedi mind trick?  [6] ???? Here's a little something your master Yoda never taught you.  I told you I was the best.  You just threw your lightsaber at me and killed me.  Mmm.  I didn't know you could throw your lightsaber.  Yeah, new game, who knew?  Damn.  well, it's too bad Marissa's not here.  The ladies can't resist a young Jedi.  Yeah, I don't know about that. [7] The O'Sea (#2.23) 5/12/05 George Lucas makes an appearance on the show
Only Fools and Horses (1981 UK) - Episode title: May the Force Be With You (#3.5) 12/8/83
Osbournes, The (2002  US) - (#2.1) Jack plays a video game while wearing a helmet and gas mask...breathing like Darth Vader.
Out of Order (2003) - (mini) Steven (Macy) talks like Yoda to Mark (Stoltz). One of the lines was, "Much to learn, you still have." (Thanks to Obi-Wan2001 for this reference!)
Panic Room with Will Farrell, The (2002 US Short) - AOTC spoof
Parent 'Hood, The (US 1995) - Robert (Townsend) has a dream that he's fighting Darth Vader with the plastic telescoping lightsabers.
Passions (1999 US Soap) - [1] 11/03/03 One character on the show was talking about another and said, "yeah, he's a real Indiana Jones" [2]
Pearl (1996 US) - Power Play (#1.13) 1/8/97 Pynchon structures the day's topic on power, he asks the class if power corrupts and Pearl answers, "Well, I don't know...it corrupted Darth Vader but on the other hand it didn't seem to bother Yoda"   Pynchon says, "Miss Lee can  you name any despots that aren't currently action figures?"
Pelswick (2000 Can) - [1] When on of his friends says to him, "Oh, that wasn't so bad"  Pelswick (Tinkler) says, "As opposed to what, Alderaan getting destroyed by the Death Star?"  [2] Pelswick's getting bullied.  One of his friends says to him, "If he was really trying to insult you, he could have called you 'Chair-chair Binks' or something"  (Pelswick's disabled and rides in a wheel-chair) (Thanks to OBIX1 for another great reference!)
Pepper Ann (1997 Anim) - Portrait of the Artist as Young Milo/The Sisterhood 12/12/98 (#2.10)[1] Milo (Cooksey) is looking for inspiration and goes to the Mall where Mark Hamill is signing autographs. He does not recognize him and asks who he is. [2] For the election Pepper Ann's friend gives her a talk, "...be cautious of anger, for it leads to the dark path, and once you start down the dark path, forever will it rule your destiny"  [3] Pepper Ann decides to run, "I must run, it is my destiny."
Percy Tårar (SWE Com 1996) mini-series -
Pinky and the Brain (US Anim) - Brain (LaMarche) writes a theory on a chalkboard...'The theory of everything (made simple) is THX=1138
P.J.'s, The (US Anim) - [1] After a fight with goons a character says, 'the Sewer People are easily startled, but they'll be back soon and in greater numbers'  [2] Dialogue: "What the...You can't donate this.  This is my first edition of Star Wars.  it's even signed by Chewbacca.  See, right here it says [imitates Chewbacca howl] That's authentic." 
Police Academy (US Anim 1988) - The main cop guy used a flash light to fight a guy with laser pen in a duel. His buddy provided the sound effects. after knocking his foe into the pool the guy said "Luke Skywalker, eat your heart out!"
[1] Boogie Frights 10/4/03 Boogie Fright and Bogeyman put up a disco ball that covers the sun. Bubbles (Strong), Blossom (Cavadini) and Buttercup (Daily) destroy the ball in a sequence taken right out of Star Wars. [2] Killer Broccoli from Outer Space - a father is getting his daughter to eat broccoli. He tries many ways. Then...with the broccoli perched on the fork, he lifts the fork up and 'flies' it around in the air around his daughter saying, '...here comes the X-Wing fighter with proton torpedoes to blow up the Death Star' [3] Just Another Manic Mojo Mojo's turban comes down like Darth Vader's helmet in The Empire Strikes Back  
Popcorn (2006 UK) - In the first TV commercial for this quiz show, the kid has a Darth Vader figurine (it looks like one of the Hasbro Unleashed figures) on his bedside cabinet.  In his dream, he is playing with the Darth Vader figure and a Slimer doll (from Ghostbusters).  He then says in a deep voice "I am your father."  (Thanks to Chris Brown for this reference!)
Pretender, The (US 1996) - Ranger Jarod (#1.14) 2/15/97 Jarod poses as a park ranger in a situation where they are looking for a lost ornithology student. While others are getting instructions for the next day's search.  Jarod sits in the missing student's tent.  Nia enters the tent and sees Jarod seated with his eyes closed and hands out sort of feeling the air.  NIA: A disturbance in the Force?   JAROD: Uh, the Force?  NIA: Obi-wan Kenobi?  Star Wars?  JAROD: The satellite missile defense system? (Jarod had never been exposed to the films at the Centre but had worked on the defense system before he left) [2] Later when Jarod figures out a piece of the puzzle NIA: The Force IS with you. How did you know?  [3] Jarod, of course, figures out another part of the problem and again Nia is amazed.  JAROD (easing her confusion a bit): Trust in the Force, young Jedi  NIA *smiles*  JAROD: I saw your laserdisc last night. (Thanks to Beautiful Soul for the tip to check out the episode!)
PSI Factor (CAN 1996) - The Light 2/22/97 The line, "...I thought they smelled bad on the outside"
Quantum Leap (US) - [1] Trilogy III: The Last Door, July 28, 1978   Sam Beckett's (Bakula) Opening line is 'I've got a BAD feeling about this" [2] Jimmy, October 14, 1964 (#2.6) 11/22/89 Sam (as Jimmy) starts out a bedtime story with the line, "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away" [3] later in the same episode one of Sam's lines is, "If you die, you'll never see Star Wars" [4] Another Mother, September 30, 1981 (#2.13) 1/10/90 Al (Stockwell) and Sam are talking to Teresa (Bellisario) they mention Wookiee the dog.  Teresa states later, "Me and Wookiee made a painting!"  (Wookiee takes off and Sam chases after him) Sam: Wookiee!! [5] Another Mother, September 30, 1981 (#2.13) 1/10/90 Sam, who is playing a mom in this episode, sees that Kevin (Stoyanov - who is playing her son) is leaving the house.  After saying that she didn't recall giving him permission to leave the house.  Kevin reminds her, "Remember last night when I told you that me and the guys were going to see Raiders?"  then says, "I better hurry, I don't want to miss the rock rolling out of the cave" Note: a funny thing about this episode is that there is an episode of Magnum P.I. playing in one of the scenes.  Many of you may know that Tom Selleck was the first choice to play Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark but the studio contract prevented him from taking Raiders.  Donald P. Bellisario (father of the Troian Bellisario, "Teresa" in this episode) was responsible for Magnum P.I.
Quark (1978) - May the Source Be With You (#1.1) 2/24/78 (Thanks to The Dark Moose for this reference!)
Radio Active (CAN 1998) - These kids were pretending to have a secret initiation test for this girls little sister, to their radio station. They were all dressed up in robes and one person said "these robes make us look silly" or something along those lines. this other guy said "I dunno I think their kind of cool, ...These aren't the droids you're looking for...only a master of Evil Darth!" and made lightsaber sounds, the guy said "thank you Obi-won ke- something"  (Thanks LORDeron_MAULer!)
Radio Free Roscoe (US 2003) - Robert 'Robbie' McGrath (Stephenson), an underground radio station DJ,  is having difficulty working the buttons for the show while on the air, he says, "Use the Force, Robbie"
Ranma ½ (JAP Anim 1989) - Season 3 Ranma's dad says a variant of the "A long time ago..." bit (Thanks to John at Obroa-Skai for this reference!)
Reboot (US Anim 1994) - [1] The Episode With No Name (#3.8) 4/26/99 Matrix brings together a virtual army...guardians, very R2D2-like [2] Matrix and Andraia land on a planet which is just like Tatooine in ANH, which has a spaceport.
Recess (US Anim) - Mikey describes TJ (who's let being principal for the day get to his head), "he's more machine than kid now"
Red Dwarf (1988-1999? UK) - [1] The opening of Backwards (#3.1) 11/14/89 (explaining what has happened in the first two seasons) uses the typical SW crawl into space, at a very quick speed. It reads: RED DWARF III: THE SAGA CONTINUUMS THE STORY SO FAR... Three million years in the future, Dave Lister, the last Human being alive discovers he is pregnant after a liaison with his female self in a parallel universe. His pregnancy concludes with the successful delivery of twin boys, Jim and Bexley. However, because the twins were conceived in another universe, with different physical laws, they suffer from highly accelerated growth rates, and are both eighteen years old within three days of being born. In order to save their lives, Lister returns them to the universe of their origin, where they are reunited with their father (a woman), and are able to lead comparatively normal lives. Well, as normal as you can be if you've been born in a parallel universe and your father's a woman and your mother's a man and you're eighteen years three days after your birth. Shortly afterwards, Kryten, the service mechanoid who had left the ship after being rescued from his own crashed vessel, the Nova 5, is found in pieces after his space bike crash lands onto an asteroid. Lister rebuilds the 'noid, but is unable to recapture his former personality. Meanwhile, Holly, the increasingly erratic Red Dwarf computer, performs a head sex change operation on himself. He bases his new face on Hilly, a female computer with whom he'd once fallen madly in love. And now the saga continuums  AND NOW THE SAGA CONTINUUMS.... RED DWARF III: THE SAME GENERATION - NEARLY - [2] Duct Soup (#7.4) 2/7/97 [Enter KOCHANSKI, socks still over her ears and wrapped in her bed's blanket] KRYTEN: oh my goodness, it's Princess Leia.  Luke Skywalker went that way, ma,am [3] Psirens (#6.1) 10/7/93 four Jawas pop their heads up in the beginning sequence. [4] On the Season 1 DVD Special Features, Craig Charles (Lister), commentary, is talking about a model of the Red Dwarf and where it's gone to.  He says, "it's probably in a box somewhere, you know like that Raiders of the Lost Ark bit at the end"   [5] Charles also compares Krytons walk with that of C3P0s.
Rescue from Gilligan's Island (US 1978) - [1] Ginger (Balwin) is told that she'll have to do a nude scene in her next film. Gilligan (Denver) offers this... there have been successful films without nudity, '...like Star Wars and Jaws' [2] Ginger says, " Star Wars isn't dirty." Gilligan says, " R2-D2 is a four letter word."
Robbery Homicide Division (2003) - Absolute Perfection 4/21/03 Use of the Wilhelm Scream
Robbie the Reindeer: Hooves of Fire (1999) -  [1] Santa gets a new sleigh and says that he's made special modifications himself.  [2] Robbie has to find a way to train so he can be included into the Reindeer team.  Donner suggests that he use the wise old trainer "Old Jingle" (wise old hermit, Old Ben), who lives atop Pointy Mountain in a shack (Old Ben lives in an old hovel at the Dune Sea).  A training session starts and they go through training similar to that of Luke and Obi-Wan in ESB.  Old Jingle constantly refers to the saying, "use the Nose!" and "Use the Nose Jump!" (Use the Force)
Robbie the Reindeer: Legend of the Lost Tribe (2002) - Note: Star Wars actor alums Rob Paulsen and Grey Delisle voice characters in this episode [1] Blitzen, who went to jail in Hooves of Fire, gets out in this episode and has some help...the Stormtrooper-like Rabbits...they all live in a thick forest:
[2] Blitzen has the reindeer build their own trap, when they escape Blitzen calls for his Rabbits to get them.  Old Jingle pops up and says, "Run!  You are our only hope"  [3] Robbie is running and comes to the edge of a cliff which looks down upon a huge crevice, he stops and Old Jingle appears (ala Obi-Wan in ESB)... Note: the jump scene just after this was a reference to the film Vertical Limit.
[4] Robbie enlists the help of the Vikings...who are very small (much like the Ewoks in ROTJ), oddly enough the villain swoops over Robbie, who is giving a King Henry the V-like speech to the Viking, in a glider (like the Ewok glider in ROTJ):
[5] In the Villain's new amusement park all the reindeer have been turned into robots, the Vikings go through what is simply the deer version of "It's a Small World"  from D, and fight the White Rabbits (a little like the Ewoks/Stormtrooper battle on Endor) [6] Blitzen takes off in his ship and heads for the thick forest with Robbie in his popcorn powered craft close behind.  Robbie jumps from his craft to Blitzen's and his hits a tree and blows up
[7] As the Vikings chase the White Rabbits towards the jail they are all making sounds like Ewoks.
Robocop: Prime Directives (2000)
Robot Chicken: Star Wars (2007) - A 30 minute parody of Star Wars, with SW Alumni voicing (Mark Hamill, Bob Bergen...both as Luke Skywalker.
Robot Chicken (2005) - [1] Plastic Buffet (#1.8) During the Armageddon spoof sketch, the chosen leader of the mission is Harrison Ford and the boulder chase scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark is re-created with toys. [2] Plastic Buffet (#1.8) a fanboy with a Star Wars t-shirt attends both Harrison Ford's and Mark Hamill's press conferences, saying "go get 'em Han Solo" at Harrison's conference.  [3] Plastic Buffet (#1.8) Mark Hamill brags about blowing up the Death Star with his eyes closed at his press conference.   [4] Vegetable Fun Fest (#1.11) There is a spoof of the Empire Strikes Back, the Bespin gantry scene where Darth Vader explains about being Luke's father, Leia's father, the fate of the Empire, building C-3PO, and Midichlorians.  Luke Skywalker walks off the set of ESB when "dad" decides he ought to know what the Force really is.  VADER:  "it's tiny creatures called Midichlorians living in your blood"  LUKE: Look if you're not going to take this seriously I'm outta here!"  [5] A Piece of the Action (#1.9) A spoof of the Empire Strikes Back probe droid scene with Ron Jeremy acting like Chewbacca and Erik Estrada shooting the droid like Han Solo.  [6] A Piece of the Action (#1.9) A spoof of science fiction conventions, complete with Star Wars costumed fans.  Also included is a Ronto in the parking lot, an AT-AT during the melee, and a shot of George Lucas at the end.  [7] A Piece of the Action (#1.9) During the melee in the science fiction convention, the kid dressed as Darth Maul starts spinning his saber impressively.  Leonard Nimoy looks at him, then calmly pulls out a gun and shoots him.  [8] S&M Present (#1.12) In a spoof of the Karate Kid, Pat Morita tells Joey Fatone that he's too old for the training, then Ralph Macchio says "So was I, if you remember".  Later, Joey does a hand-stand with Pat Morita sitting on his feet while levitating boxes.  [9] Toy Meets Girl (#1.14) While Lion-O explains to Michael Moore where the rest of the Thundercats are, Panthro is shown in a jail cell marked "1138".  [10] Operation Rich In Spirit (#1.18) Michael Flatley is dancing on a stage...Narrator: Michael Flatley is the Lord of the Dance." Darth Vader arrives on stage as well, dancing just like Michael Flatley...Narrator: "Darth Vader is the Lord of the Sith"  (Thanks to John at Obroa-Skai for references #1-10!) [11] 4/2/06 Han Solo in carbonite on-board the UFO that breaks the Phantom Zone that contains Set Green, the mad scientist, and the robot chicken in the episode's special opening sequence.  [12] 4/9/06 Cockpit hyperspace view when Corey Haim and Corey Feldman use the Corey Jet. [13] 4/9/06 At the end of the Two Coreys skit, the location of the Bush Twins is...in a crate in the same warehouse as the Ark of the Covenant at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark. [14] 4/23/06 In the "Dance Dance Counter-revolution" skit, Castro says "Tu esta Bantha poodoo" [15] 4/23/06 At the end of the Highlander parody skit, Lindsay Lohan yells, "Unlimited powaaaaaah!"  [16] 5/7/06 An entire skit about Darth Vader calling Palpatine to tell him about the Death Star getting blown up [17] 5/7/06 During the end credits, one line says "Nerf Herder, Scruffy looking - Garret Elkins"  [18] 5/28/06 A skit about George W. Bush dreaming he was a Jedi.  (Thanks to John at Obroa-Skai for references #11 - 18 and the link!) [19] Metal Militia (#2.13) There was a sketch done of a young Indiana Jones at school, references included: burning ants with the Staff of Ra, using a whip to recover a girl's doll, running away from a large rolling ball, recovering his hat, knocking an enemy into "whirring blades" (two girls standing apart with jump ropes between them), running to an escape vehicle chased by other kids with spit wad straws, and the classic "There's a shake in the car...I hate shakes!"   [20] Day at the Circus (#2.17) At the end of the Hall of Memory, the winner had to grab her prize and escape from a large boulder. (Thanks to John at Obroa-Skai for #19 & #20!)
Robotech (US Anim) - The Robotech DVD box set volume 3. In the feature commentary on the bonus disc, series creator Carl Macek talks about the creation of the Robotech series. At one point, he mentions that the Star Wars trilogy was one of the influences for the Robotech saga.
Rocko's Modern Life (US Anim) - 'future' episode of 'O Town' where Filbert (Lawrence) now has children. Filbert comes out of Darth Vader's chamber (TESB), breathes like Vader and his daughter has Leia hair 'buns'
Rock Profile (UK 1999) - Simon and Garfunkle (#) /99 Paul Simon (Matt Lucas) is asked about his wedding to Carrie Fisher.  He mentions the wedding saying, "the whole Rebel Alliance turned up, R2-D2, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, even some of the minor characters, Admiral Ackbar, Mon Mothma..." (Thanks to Steve for this reference!)
Roseanne (US 1988) - Arsenic and Old Mom (#9.22) 5/13/97 Audrey Conner (Debbie Reynolds as Dan's mom) makes a few Star Wars references.  Note: Carrie Fisher wrote this episode and Debbie Fisher is her mother.
Rove - Live (Austrailia 2000) - Rove (McManus) complains that his Star Wars joke flopped in the previous week's episode.  He claimed that he had enough Star Wars jokes this week to "choke an Ewok".
Rugrats Go Wild (US Anim) - angelica comes to save the babies and she arrives with the cina-rolls like leia. (Thanks to trust_jedi_owk1 for this reference!)



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